Categories Health

Ways to Treat Infertility in Men

589 ViewsWhile infertility was initially seen to be an exclusive problem amongst women, it was found out in recent years that men too face infertility issues. Most of the infertility cases are only because of…

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Categories Health

CBD for young children?

607 ViewsAfter 33 states approved medical marijuana use in the USA, medical marijuana is now being used by many. Adults can use marijuana to treat many types of ailments. Some of these are: Glaucoma Only…

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Categories Health

What Happens During and After Surgery

984 ViewsDuring the heart transplant procedure After the patient is asleep, a tool called the Swan-Ganz catheter may be inserted into the jugular vein within the neck. It’s then threaded to the arterial blood vessel,…

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Categories Health

How to treat chronic pain?

868 ViewsExperiencing chronic pain is a dreadful thing in anyone’s life. Numerous medical conditions becomes a reason behind chronic pain and some of them includes diabetes, arthritis, cancer, nerve issues etc. Since it is chronic,…

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