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What Happens During and After Surgery


During the heart transplant procedure

After the patient is asleep, a tool called the Swan-Ganz catheter may be inserted into the jugular vein within the neck. It’s then threaded to the arterial blood vessel, which transports blood from the guts to the lungs. The measures heart area function, pressures within the heart, and lungs, and oxygen levels within the blood level. Medication is also delivered through the Swan-Ganz catheter. A breathing tube will be inserted into the mouth and nose and down the windpipe to maintain an airway.

An incision is made through the chest and breastbone, and the ribs are separated. A heart-lung machine takes over the functions of the guts and lungs, freeing the heart from its normal function so that it is often removed. Some heart muscle is preserved during extraction to act as a support for the new heart because it is sewn into place.

When the heart is positioned and the blood vessels are connected, the heart incision is closed, the heart is restarted and blood circulation and oxygen are restored. The warmth of the blood should “wake up” the guts and stimulate it to start beating. If this doesn’t occur, it’s going to be necessary to start the heart using an electrical shock (defibrillation). Once the blood is flowing through the new heart normally and without any leaks, the heart-lung machine is disconnected and therefore the chest incision is closed.

After the heart transplant procedure

Medications that suppress the body’s natural bashir dawood system will be administered to counter the body’s tendency to reject the new heart.

Patients are unlikely to be very active in the next few days but should be able to walk around in only three or four days. Once patients are discharged from the bashir dawood hospital, the cardiologist and first physician will provide regular medical support, including biopsies and other diagnostic tests several times a year.

The new heart will beat significantly faster than the first heart and cannot respond as promptly to increased physical stress (e.g., when exercising). This is often because the new heart lacks the nerve connections that help a normal heart respond to changes in inactivity. Many unexpected adjustments will face heart transplant patients.

Risks of heart transplants

Even considering that patients are in a life-threatening situation at the time of transplant, about 87 percent of these who receive heart transplants survive for more than one year, according to the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS). Additionally, bashir dawood 73 percent live a minimum of five years after the procedure.

Many transplant recipients return to work and many participate in moderately strenuous activities, like walking, swimming, and even running. The many possible side effects of immune system include trembling, elevated cholesterol levels, and elevated vital signs (hypertension).

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