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Salient features of Food Safety and Standards Act (FSS Act)


On the 23rd of August, 2006, the Food Safety and Standards Bill was passed, and on statute book as Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006. The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India was implemented as a law with effect from the 5th of August, 2011.

The following are the salient features of the FSSAI:

FSSAI is the single reference point for all matters relating to the Food Safety and Standards, Regulations and Enforcement.

It acts as a single point access to all laws and departmental controls.

It is a single license formulated by the licensing authority for one or more food articles.

Prior to 2011:

  • The food safety laws and guidelines that existed were very complex and there was various laws and regulations.
  • The laws prior to 2011 lacked modern and advanced instrumentation.

Since 2011:

  • The food laws that existed were decentralized and dissolved with new amendments.
  • The existing feature is much mitigated with with easy scientific scientific procedures supported by modern technology.

The Food Safety and Standards Act or 2006 makes sure that a comprehensive analysis of every food product is made available and is exercised with the safety and health of the consumers which holds the paramount importance in their procedures. With a FSSAI online Registration, the food business ensures that it produces the safest food and maintains immaculate food handling practises.

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