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How are medical bills paid after a crash?


The aftermath of a car crash can be devastating. Not only do you have to deal with the damage to your vehicle, but you may also suffer injuries that require medical treatment, which raises the stressful question of how medical bills are paid after a car accident. Here we will discuss how medical expenses are paid after a car wreck and what steps you can take if your insurance company won’t cover them.

Does my insurance company pay?

Depending on the laws of the state where the crash occurred – and whether the state has a No-Fault or tort-based system – your insurance may pay for your medical treatment. However, you may also have a claim against the driver who hit you for payment of the bills you get from the hospital, your doctor, and other medical professionals who are caring for you.

Does the at-fault driver pay?

If you are injured in a crash, you may be able to file a lawsuit against the negligent driver who caused the crash which resulted in your injuries. In states with a tort-based system, you would have to sue the at-fault driver to make him or her legally accountable to pay for your medical expenses. In states with a No-Fault system, your medical treatment may be paid by your own auto insurance company and only if your medical expenses exceed what is covered by insurance would you need to sue the other driver.

How much of medical bills will insurance cover?

When your medical expenses after a crash are covered by auto insurance, generally the insurance company will only pay up to the limits in the policy. Accordingly, whatever dollar amount of medical coverage that a driver selects for his or her vehicle will be the maximum amount that the insurer will pay toward covering a crash victim’s medical expenses. Bills not covered by insurance may possibly be claimed in a lawsuit against the at-fault driver. 

Do I have to prove that I am not at fault to get my medical expenses paid?

If you’re in a state with a pure tort liability system, then you will need to show that the other driver was atfault – and you were not at fault – to get the court to order the other driver to pay for your medical treatment. Whether insurance will provide any coverage will depend on the terms of your policy.

If you’re in a No-Fault state, your insurance company will pay for medical expenses up to the limits of your policy without regard to whether you or someone else caused the crash that resulted in your injuries for which you have sought medical care. When your expenses exceed what’s covered by your insurance, you may be able to sue the at-fault driver for payment – but you will have to show that he or she was negligent in causing the crash. 


If you are injured in a crash and you’re having trouble getting your medical bills paid, a Michigan Auto Law auto accident attorney can help you understand your legal rights and options for holding the insurance company and/or the at-fault driver responsible.

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