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Arthrosis of the lower ankle joint


Arthrosis or osteoarthrosis (arthrosis, osteoarthrosis) is the most common joint disease. Arthrosis is found in almost all joints. Hip and knee joints, small joints of the hands, metatarsophalangeal joint of the thumb, small joints of the spine and shoulder joint are most often affected by arthrosis. Arthrosis of the hip and knee joints occurs in 5% of people aged 30 years, and among people over 75 years of age suffering from this disease, more than 20%.

Arthrosis is a progressive disease of the articular surfaces, leading to thinning and destruction of cartilage. Quite often, it is not possible to establish any one obvious cause of arthrosis. Hereditary predisposition, load of joints in the past, as well as deviations in the structure of joints increase the risk of arthrosis. In addition, joint injuries such as torn ligaments, injuries and torn meniscus can lead to arthrosis over the years. The same thing can happen after serious bacterial inflammation of the joints. Cartilage tissue damaged by inflammation does not withstand the load and wear and tear as healthy cartilage does. The joint begins to hurt for many reasons, which, in particular, have been described above. Arthrosis causes pain during exercise, as well as sometimes severe pain attacks at night, swelling, constricted movements and incorrect positions. Arthrosis of the joints of the legs often leads to lameness.

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There is currently no way to cure arthrosis. The basis of the modern treatment of arthrosis is the most active lifestyle, physical education and the necessary medical treatment. In addition to relieving pain, the task is to improve the physical shape of the muscles and mobility. Surgical intervention cannot completely restore the cartilage of the joint. Using arthroscopy, you can remove damaged elements of the cartilage tissue and meniscus, as well as bone growths caused by arthrosis. This can reduce the arthrosis-induced pain to a greater or lesser extent. Arthrosis of the knee joint can be treated with osteotomy

With a strong degree of arthrosis of large joints, a decision is often made to replace the rubbing surfaces of the joint, i.e. about surgery for arthroplasty. It is advisable to carry out an operation to replace the joint when pain causes severe anxiety every day, the functionality has deteriorated and no other treatment methods can achieve a satisfactory quality of life. If arthrosis has led to a loss of joint mobility and the patient’s condition is serious, arthrodesis is the best treatment option – surgery to immobilize the joint. Sometimes decisions are made about arthrodesis of the metatarsophalangeal joint of the thumb and ankle joint. tramadol 225 mg

When walking on uneven surfaces and loads, the pain intensifies. Risk factors for arthrosis include inflammatory rheumatic diseases, ligament injuries, calcaneus fractures, and prolonged abnormal load on the ankle.

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Arthrodesis of the lower ankle joint

With arthrosis of the Talonavicular joint with pronounced symptoms, ankle joint arthrodesis is performed. Fixation of the lower ankle joint in a stationary state does not significantly affect the horizontal and vertical movement of the ankle: the upper joint is responsible for this. After surgery for 8-10 weeks, it is recommended to use a support boot, controlling the process of ossification.

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