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How to Spend Bank Holiday at Home


With the bank holiday weekend looming, We Buy Any House have compiled our top tips on how you should spend your bank holiday at home…

Enjoy an Indoor BBQ:

Having a barbecue at home has become somewhat of a bank holiday tradition, however, it can sometimes be excessive to prepare and get ready for, especially if there isn’t a big gathering going on. However, if you love the thought of having a BBQ on a bank holiday, then who’s to say you can’t have an indoor one? Obviously, we don’t recommend lighting up a BBQ inside, but a great idea to get all the left-over things in your freezer, such as chicken wings, sausages and burgers, and get them going in the oven! Then, add all of your favourite extras, such as pasta, bread rolls and cheese to the table and let the feast begin!

Plan a Self-Care Day:

Bank holidays don’t come around very often, so why not make the most of a full free weekend and have a self-care weekend? Self-care is such an important aspect that is sometimes overlooked, so much so that we don’t even realise that we need it. Whether you choose to spend the weekend exercising, sitting in with a face mask or taking a long hot bath, opting to do something that works for you is a great way to spend some time recuperating and come out of the bank holiday weekend feeling amazing.

Get Creative:

Throughout the chaotic day to day of adult life, we sometimes lose time to indulge in our creative outlets that are so dear to us. If you want to invest some time in a creative outlet this bank holiday weekend, then why not do something that gets your creative juices flowing? It doesn’t have to be something groundbreaking or something you have previously done, but even just doing a piece of writing or practicing an old instrument is a great way to spend the bank holiday. If you don’t consider yourself creative, then do something that feels accomplished without making it about skill. Reading a book, tidying the garden or even planning a workout are great ways to get creative and give your brain a dopamine hit.

Learn Something New:

A slight tangent of the above point, but over your few days off- why not try to learn a new skill or adopt a new hobby? Bank holidays are the perfect time to start something that you haven’t done before and dedicate some time to it!


It’s rare that all of your friends and loved ones are off at the same time, so why not make the most of your couple of days off and organise a get-together with everyone. Whether you choose to hang out at someone’s house, cook a meal or have a games night- it’s a great way to reconnect with friends and family.

This article was written by a quick house sale company We Buy Any House. If you’re wondering “how can I sell my house fast?”, head to the  We Buy Any House reviews  page for more information relating to all property related enquiries.

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