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How to get international teaching jobs


Are you a teacher looking for a change of scenery?

Teaching abroad can be one of the most rewarding and enriching experiences a person can have. And it doesn’t just have to be a dream. There are plenty of ways to get your foot in the door at schools around the world, so long as you know what you’re doing. The trick is knowing where to look, and how best to prepare yourself for an international teaching job.

This blog will provide practical tips on how to get international teaching jobs, so you can start living out your fantasies of waking up every morning overlooking an azure ocean or desert sunset.

Get certified

The first step is to get certified in teaching. If you have a bachelor’s degree, then you’re halfway there. You can sign up for a teacher preparation program at a local university or, if you want to get the certification quickly and conveniently, an online program may be right for you. They are not all created equal, though, it’s important to do enough research to make sure you choose one that offers adequate support and reputable credentials. The TESOL certificate is also worth considering because it allows international teachers to broaden their job horizons by working in any ESL context around the world, including tutoring and private language schools as well as public elementary schools.

Apply for a job

Next, it’s time to actually apply for jobs. You’ve got all the required documents together and you’ve decided whether or not you want to go through a recruiter. Now, it’s time to check out the job boards and look for teaching positions abroad that match your skill set. The good news is that there are so many resources online that finding a job is not really an issue. The bad news is that this can be overwhelming.

If you have particular areas of interest, try searching for those specific regions or countries first. Once you’ve picked out some potential jobs to apply for, make sure your application is as specific to the position as possible. It may take a bit more preparation than you’re used to in order to apply but if it gets you the job (and an international experience) then it will be worth it.

Finally, even though most international schools use video conferencing interviews, prepare yourself just in case they ask for a physical interview too. Remember: they might be interested in hiring someone from across the globe; however, they still want their new hire to know what they’re getting into by moving internationally.

Prepare yourself with all sorts of questions about what life will be like at their school and location before going into your interview.

Secure a work visa (if necessary)

In order to find international teaching jobs, you are going to have to learn as much as possible about the requirements for the country or countries that interest you.

After you have decided where you would like to teach, check on the visa requirements of your chosen country. If you are moving to a new country, it is likely that you will need a work visa in order to be employed. The specific requirements will vary from country to country but can include a passport, criminal background check and health check. Each country has its own agency responsible for issuing work visas.

Choose a destination

Choosing where you want to go to teach abroad is just as important as deciding to teach abroad in the first place. There are many things that you should take into consideration when you choose your destination. Here are some tips for choosing your international teaching destination.

First, think about where you have always been interested in going. It could be a country, region, or city that has always intrigued you and made you wonder what it would be like living there for awhile.

Second, are there any countries or cities that you have always wanted to visit? If so, why not consider teaching abroad at one of these places? You can do something meaningful and have an adventure of a lifetime all at the same time

Third, if there is a country or region with which you feel especially connected then perhaps this is the best option for where to go when teaching abroad. Maybe it is a part of the world that shares your heritage or heritage with someone very close to you. Or maybe it’s just a place where reading about their culture has really sparked your interest and passion for learning more about its people and history

Finally, consider choosing a destination based on what will give you the most rewarding experience possible during your time teaching abroad. You should ask yourself questions such as: Where would I most enjoy living? Where can I make the biggest impact on students? What type of climate do I want while I am working? What cultures mean something special to me?

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